Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Do you believe that humans have a basic instinct to “interact and work as a group,” as Rheingold proposed in his discussion of the evolution of Wikipedia as a collectively developed encyclopedia? How can technology facilitate collaboration among learners based on constructivist principles?

I believe that as humans we have a basic instinct to “interact and work as a group.” There are many examples throughout history, especially in the development of technological tools. A recent example is the development of Google's new “Wave” tool. Developed by group of people at Google, it encompasses the instantaneous of an Instant message chat and an email and can work as a motivating collaborative tool. Most computer games and softwares have all been developed by a combined effort of a group utilizing individual skills. We even create study groups in college to facilitate learning.
In his speech on collaboration, Howard Rheingold emphasizes important points, his first presumed cliché statement is that we “succeed by destroying and dominating competition.” However, he continues saying that we also succeed through collaborative effort and when we all work in concert. For example, large corporations merge for the purpose to extend and produce better products, rather than working against each other because it is in their mutual self interest. Another good example introduced by Rheingold is the Open Source products, such as Linux, Mozilla, Apache, Wikipedia, and the free Open University lectures posted by Berkley University and Yale. These free available resources are popular because they are good products in view of the fact that each programmer contributes his knowledge continuously improving these products.
Technology plays an important factor in education and Web2.0, and especially accolade constructivist principles. With Web1.0, the information was only communicated through technology to the public, with Web 2.0 it has became a discourse through the use of social networks. Web2.0 encourages dialog with teachers and with peers, asks questions and nurture a learner’s curiosity. Through the use of technology, it is important to let students analyze, create, classify and accept a learner’s independence and initiative.



  1. Orit- I would like to validate your opinion that because of new technologies and such as social networks collaboration has become more feasible. Because of social networking as email, instant messaging, and skype we can collaborate with experts around the world no matter the time nor the distance. We are now able to consult numerous different sources in a matter of minutes compared to months. I personally believe that through the advancement of such social networks we will begin to see collaboration and conversation become easier and cheaper than ever before. Nice job on this module's blog.


  2. Hello Orit, It was great meeting you this week by phone and hearing your voice as we collaborated on this week's project. I think our project speaks for the benefits of collaboration - it was definitely a much high quality product than I could have produced on my own:-)
    Thanks again for your leadership and support!

  3. Kassidy,

    I think because of economic constraints in education, social networks will start being the prefered tool of communication and collaboration. I was listening to a podcast by Chris Dede where he was discussing the diffusion of online learning. He made an interesting point which can be also reflect on the use of social networks. Dede stated that educators do not have to look at technology, but the underlining pedagogue and the learning styles of the students.

    Dede, C. (Producer). (nd). Online professional development. Laureate, Education, Inc
    Retrieved from http://sylvan.live.ecollege.com

  4. Dear Marlene and Kassidy,

    I was lucky to be paired with you both for the collaborative project. Thank you both for a great learning experience! Collaboration can be successful when all the parties understand the importance of working in concert!
